NCAAF Consensus Picks & Money Splits
- NCAAF Odds
- Splits
- 1H/2H/Q Lines
- Futures
- Picks
% of Bets RUTGERS
80% 20% 41% 59% % of Money Best away Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
56% 44% 48% 52% % of Money Best over
% of Bets CMICH
91% 62% 38% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
40% 60% 82% 18% % of Money Best over
% of Bets BOWLGR
53% 47% 50% 50% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
46% 54% 27% 73% % of Money Best under
% of Bets WAKE
86% 14% 40% 60% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
97% 96% 4% % of Money Best under
- Over
% of Bets Under
91% 40% 60% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets UCF
84% 16% 69% 31% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
40% 60% 73% 27% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets ARK
85% 15% 51% 49% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
50% 50% 51% 49% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets TOLEDO
82% 18% 92% % of Money Best home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
95% 37% 63% % of Money Best overBest under
- Over
% of Bets Under
39% 61% 34% 66% % of Money Best under
% of Bets TULSA
63% 37% 65% 35% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
57% 43% 85% 15% % of Money Best over
% of Bets MIZZ
58% 42% 32% 68% % of Money Best home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
41% 59% 29% 71% % of Money Best over
- Over
% of Bets Under
27% 73% 21% 79% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets UAB
63% 37% 31% 69% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
21% 79% 18% 82% % of Money Best overBest under
- Over
% of Bets Under
42% 58% 48% 52% % of Money Best under
% of Bets KANSAS
63% 37% 33% 67% % of Money Best away Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
52% 48% 45% 55% % of Money Best overBest under
- Over
% of Bets Under
46% 54% 85% 15% % of Money Best over
% of Bets UTAH
90% 10% 87% 13% % of Money Best away Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
23% 77% 82% 18% % of Money Best under
- Over
% of Bets Under
44% 56% 19% 81% % of Money Best over
% of Bets ILL
94% 19% 81% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
98% 99% 1% % of Money Best under
- Over
% of Bets Under
49% 51% 37% 63% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets ARMY
55% 45% 58% 42% % of Money Best away Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
76% 24% 48% 52% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets MSU
30% 70% 29% 71% % of Money Best home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
67% 33% 65% 35% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets OU
42% 58% 25% 75% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
68% 32% 62% 38% % of Money Best over
% of Bets DUKE
38% 62% 32% 68% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
70% 30% 72% 28% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets WISC
44% 56% 37% 63% % of Money Best home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
46% 54% 42% 58% % of Money Best overBest under
- Over
% of Bets Under
56% 44% 61% 39% % of Money Best under
% of Bets VAND
69% 31% 67% 33% % of Money Best home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
74% 26% 69% 31% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets MARY
58% 42% 50% 50% % of Money Best away Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
74% 26% 63% 37% % of Money Best overBest under
- Over
% of Bets Under
65% 35% 64% 36% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets IOWA
50% 50% 36% 64% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
72% 28% 48% 52% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets PITT
61% 39% 38% 62% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
50% 50% 65% 35% % of Money Best under
% of Bets PUR
49% 51% 18% 82% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
77% 23% 96% 4% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets NAVY
57% 43% 39% 61% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
68% 32% 49% 51% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets UGA
28% 72% 23% 77% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
75% 25% 80% 20% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets LOU
47% 53% 30% 70% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
54% 46% 61% 39% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets TENN
32% 68% 14% 86% % of Money Best home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
66% 34% 68% 32% % of Money Best over
% of Bets OKST
34% 66% 20% 80% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
61% 39% 78% 22% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets CIN
60% 40% 41% 59% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
64% 36% 81% 19% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets WSU
65% 35% 86% 14% % of Money Best away Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
29% 71% 5% 95% % of Money Best over
- Over
% of Bets Under
77% 23% 55% 45% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets UMASS
58% 42% 37% 63% % of Money Best home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
64% 36% 80% 20% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets APPLST
53% 47% 28% 72% % of Money Best away Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
59% 41% 42% 58% % of Money Best overBest under
- Over
% of Bets Under
59% 41% 78% 22% % of Money Best under
% of Bets IAST
75% 25% 76% 24% % of Money Best home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
78% 22% 32% 68% % of Money Best overBest under
- Over
% of Bets Under
41% 59% 78% 22% % of Money Best over
% of Bets SYRA
35% 65% 17% 83% % of Money Best away Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
74% 26% 68% 32% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets UTSA
66% 34% 29% 71% % of Money Best home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
78% 22% 42% 58% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets NEB
59% 41% 26% 74% % of Money Best home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
74% 26% 67% 33% % of Money Best over
% of Bets IU
60% 40% 30% 70% % of Money Best home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
78% 22% 88% 12% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets UT
60% 40% 44% 56% % of Money Best home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
46% 54% 84% 16% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets AIR
73% 27% 35% 65% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
70% 30% 70% 30% % of Money Best under
% of Bets NIU
59% 41% 53% 47% % of Money Best home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
65% 35% 59% 41% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets GAS
63% 37% 65% 35% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
47% 53% 40% 60% % of Money Best under
% of Bets SC
49% 51% 14% 86% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
63% 37% 49% 51% % of Money Best overBest under
- Over
% of Bets Under
15% 85% 19% 81% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets MARSH
56% 44% 41% 59% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
85% 15% 99% 1% % of Money Best overBest under
- Over
% of Bets Under
69% 31% 91% 9% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets MSSTATE
60% 40% 26% 74% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
19% 81% 38% 62% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets ECU
57% 43% 73% 27% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
78% 22% 73% 27% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets LIBERTY
58% 42% 35% 65% % of Money Best away Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
73% 27% 97% 3% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets VIR
58% 42% 73% 27% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
68% 32% 28% 72% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets ORSTU
58% 42% 48% 52% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
55% 45% 82% 18% % of Money Best under
- Over
% of Bets Under
87% 13% 99% 1% % of Money Best overBest under
- Over
% of Bets Under
54% 46% 49% 51% % of Money Best over
% of Bets BAYLOR
33% 67% 49% 51% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
54% 46% 68% 32% % of Money Best under
% of Bets USF
57% 43% 13% 87% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
24% 76% 63% 37% % of Money Best over
% of Bets OLEMISS
25% 75% 16% 84% % of Money Best away Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
51% 49% 73% 27% % of Money Best over
% of Bets KSU
30% 70% 14% 86% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
61% 39% 68% 32% % of Money Best over
% of Bets MTNST
18% 82% 92% % of Money Best home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
35% 65% 48% 52% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets ALA
25% 75% 95% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
41% 59% 82% 18% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets MEM
48% 52% 17% 83% % of Money Best away Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
26% 74% 27% 73% % of Money Best over
- Over
% of Bets Under
83% 17% 27% 73% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets ARKST
57% 43% 66% 34% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
29% 71% 69% 31% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets MICH
30% 70% 23% 77% % of Money Best home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
79% 21% 55% 45% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets AUBURN
46% 54% 41% 59% % of Money Best away Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
43% 57% 62% 38% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets HAWAII
42% 58% 50% 50% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
53% 47% 36% 64% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets TTU
56% 44% 17% 83% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
38% 62% 80% 20% % of Money Best overBest under
- Over
% of Bets Under
68% 32% 62% 38% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets OREGON
22% 78% 92% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
38% 62% 83% 17% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets UK
60% 40% 68% 32% % of Money Best away Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
55% 45% 34% 66% % of Money Best over
% of Bets LOULAF
55% 45% 24% 76% % of Money Best away Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
28% 72% 68% 32% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets USU
56% 44% 10% 90% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
59% 41% 87% 13% % of Money Best under
% of Bets SDSU
69% 31% 45% 55% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
38% 62% 73% 27% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets SMU
21% 79% Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
63% 37% 94% 6% % of Money Best overBest under
- Over
% of Bets Under
37% 63% 31% 69% % of Money Best over
% of Bets TXST
64% 36% 20% 80% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
28% 72% 10% 90% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets BYU
49% 51% 98% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
73% 27% 32% 68% % of Money Best overBest under
- Over
% of Bets Under
62% 38% 32% 68% % of Money Best over
- Over
% of Bets Under
34% 66% 1% 99% % of Money Best over
% of Bets NMXST
30% 70% 36% 64% % of Money Best away Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
84% 16% 77% 23% % of Money Best overBest under
- Over
% of Bets Under
61% 39% 85% 15% % of Money Best overBest under
% of Bets WASH
40% 59% 20% 79% % of Money Best away OddsBest home Odds
- Over
% of Bets Under
61% 39% 77% 23% % of Money Best over
- BC
% of Bets FSU
53% 43% 55% 41% % of Money Best home Odds
College football is the second-most popular sport to bet on in the U.S., and NCAAF consensus picks are a useful handicapping tool for college football bettors who are looking to make money at the sportsbook.
What Are College Football Consensus Picks?
By aggregating exclusive data from some of the top online sports betting sites, our college football consensus page shows you what kind of action oddsmakers are taking on each and every game. Not only do our consensus picks display the percentage of bets being placed on each team and the over/under but also the percentage of money (or “handle”) that’s behind each side. Check this out:
Here, we see that 58% of bets are on Army, leaving 42% on Navy. However, 84% of the money is on Army. Bigger, and possibly sharper, bets are on Army. By clicking on “Total” we can then see the betting percentages for the Over and Under.
Fading The Public
One way bettors try to use this information to their advantage is by fading the public. Fading the public is a popular strategy for contrarian bettors.
Generally speaking, when it comes to college football betting, the public loves betting on popular teams — Alabama, Notre Dame, Michigan, and Texas, for example. College bettors also tend to bet on the Over, especially with the proliferation of spread offenses across the country.
The truth, though, is that fading the public doesn’t always work. The market is perpetually adjusting and becoming more efficient. Sometimes the public is right, sometimes they aren’t.
It’s best to approach each game on its own. One game’s spread may be a great opportunity to fade the public, another may not. Circumstances vary so you need to stay on top of the news, weather, and injury reports and analyze each situation with its public betting trends and line movement. If it’s a prime-time game or a game with a popular team, it’s more likely to be +EV (positive expected value) to fade the public.